Monday, October 27, 2008


To help ensure that youngsters across DC have a safe and fun place to celebrate Halloween, many of the MPDC police districts are holding special Halloween events on October 31. The festivities include parties, haunted houses and Halloween celebrations at many of the seven police stations. All of the events are free and designed to provide an opportunity for Halloween fun for young people and parents who might want an alternative to trick-or-treating in the community. For those who will be out and about on Halloween, the MPD offers a number of common-sense safety tips to help keep young ghosts and goblins safe. For example, in selecting costumes, bright, reflective and flame-retardant materials are a must, as are comfortable, well fitting shoes. Instead of masks, which can restrict vision, youngsters are encouraged to get creative with face paints. To promote their safety while walking, trick-or-treaters are reminded to stay on the sidewalk and to cross only at the corner (never between cars). Motorists need to slow down and be on the lookout for children. Homeowners are encouraged to turn on exterior lights and clean up any debris near their property that children could trip on. And, of course, youngsters should never go into peoples’ homes, talk to or accept rides from strangers, or eat any goodies before adults have a chance to inspect them.

Visit for more information.

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